Launch of the Dictionary of European Values and Citizenship

The Dictionary of European Values and Citizenship [Dicionário dos Valores e Cidadania Europeia], edited by Isabel Baltazar and Fátima Pacheco, was presented to the publico n 29 January 2025. The book launch, which was held at the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation in Lisbon, had Ana Paula Zacarias, Guilherme D'Oliveira Martins and Manuel Porto as speakers.

The Dictionary was developed as part of the UNESCO Chair “The City that Educates and Transforms” and was published by Petrony with support by the Diplomatic Institute of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the High Endorsement of the President of the Republic.

A. Sofia Pinto Oliveira and Patrícia Jerónimo contributed to the Dictionary with entries on Asylum [Asilo] and Minorities [Minorias], respectively.