Talk hosted by the Brazilian Bar Association on the criminalization of female genital mutilation in Portugal

Patrícia Jerónimo was invited by the President of the International Relations Committee of the São Paulo branch of the Brazilian Bar Association (OAB São Paulo), Subsection of São Bernardo do Campo – Dr. Gabriela Horvath –, to give a talk on International Law and the Law against Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) in Portugal. The talk covered the context in which Law No. 83/2015, of 5 August 2015, was adopted (including previous legislative attempts at fighting FGM and the influence exerted by the 2011 Istanbul Convention), the statistics of cases detected in Portugal, and the application of the law by the courts, among other aspects. The talk was held online, on 28 March 2023. The recording is available from the OAB São Paulo website at