20th Anniversary of the Human Rights Master of the University of Minho

The twentieth anniversary of the Human Rights Master of the University of Minho was celebrated on 10 December 2024 with an international conference on human rights.

The programme included a keynote speech on the fundamental rights case law of the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU), by Nuno Piçarra, Judge at the CJEU; ten thematic panels on the various research topics in which the Human Rights Master has conducted outstanding research (international migration, cultural diversity, the rights of persons with disabilities, access to justice, AI, environment, health and bioethics, gender equality, armed conflicts, democracy and good governance), with presentations by faculty and researchers from the University of Minho and other universities in Portugal and abroad, Human Rights Master’s alumni, judges and members of civil society organisations; and concluded with a round-table on the future of teaching and researching in human rights, with the participation of the present and former directors of studies of the Human Rights Master.

Patrícia Jerónimo, who presided over the conference’s organising committee, participated as speaker in the panel on access to justice with a paper on linguistic assistance and access to justice in Portugal. Manuela Ivone Cunha spoke about racism, anti-racism and anti-anti-racism, in the panel on cultural and religious diversity, A. Sofia Pinto Oliveira spoke about the Global Compacts for Migration and on Refugees, in the panel on international migration, and Nicole Friedrich presented, together with Charize Hortmann, a paper on environmental racism, in the panel on environment and human rights.

The conference programme is available here.