New project on the Right to Memory presented in Lisbon

Patrícia Jerónimo was invited by the principal investigators of the project Mnemonic Reality: Investigating Memory Law's Impact on Reality and Reality's Impact on Memory Laws, José Eduardo Franco and Susana Mourato Alves-Jesus, of the Open University, to take part as speaker in the international conference which kicked-off the project, which was held at the Open University building in Lisbon, and online, on 20 October 2023. The Conference, entitled Right to Memory: A Right to Deepen and to Defend? Holocaust, Genocides, Massacres, and the Problem of Memory Repair, was chaired by João Relvão Caetano and had as speakers Viriato Soromenho-Marques, Luísa Antunes Paolinelli, José Eduardo Franco and Patrícia Jerónimo, who gave a presentation entitled “Laws of memory and the law”.

The Conference programme is available here.