Influence of social factors on court practice discussed in Doctoral thesis defended at the University of Coimbra

In the framework of the Doctoral Programme in Law, Justice and Citizenship in the XXI Century, of the University of Coimbra, judge Nuno Miguel Pereira Ribeiro Coelho defended, on 6 October 2023, a doctoral thesis on the interplay between the organization of the judicial system and judicial adjudication (Organização do Sistema Judicial e Jurisdição: Para uma Sistemática Alargada da Realização do Direito pelo Juiz), which looked into the factors that influence and constrain the decisions by the judges. The thesis was discussed by Patrícia Jerónimo and Ana Margarida Gaudêncio. The jury, presided by José Manuel Aroso Linhares, included also Raquel Brízida Castro, António Casimiro Ferreira, António Malheiro de Magalhães and Luís Menezes do Vale.