Get to know our multidisciplinary team a little better.
Patrícia Jerónimo (IR)
PhD in Law by the European University Institute in Florence.
Associate Professor at the Law School of the University of Minho. Integrated Researcher at JusGov. Jean Monnet Fellow at the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, European University Institute in Florence.
Areas of interest: human rights, multicultural jurisprudence, citizenship, Comparative Law.
Manuela Ivone Cunha (Co-IR)
PhD in Anthropology, Habilitation in Sociology.
Researcher at the Centre for Research in Anthropology (CRIA-UMinho), teaches at the University of Minho, editor-in-chief of the journal Etnográfica.
Maria Clara Calheiros
PhD in Law from the Faculty of Law of the University of Santiago de Compostela. Full Professor at the Law School of the University of Minho. Principal Investigator of JusGov’s research group JusLab (Justice Laboratory). |
Mário Ferreira Monte
PhD in Law, in the area of Criminal Law, and Full Professor at the University of Minho, in the areas of Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure and Criminology.
Director of the Interdisciplinary Research Centre on Human Rights (DH-CII). Principal Investigator of JusGov’s research group JusCrim (Criminal Justice and Criminology).
Maria Cardeira Silva
PhD in Anthropology by the University Nova of Lisbon.
PhD in Anthropology by the University Nova of Lisbon.
Associate Professor at University Nova of Lisbon.
Areas of interest: Gender, Human Rights, Islam, Heritage.
Cristina Dias (translated from the Portuguese by Ana Rita Silva)
Associate Professor at the Law School of the University of Minho. PhD in Private Law.
Areas of interest: Family Law, Child Law and Inheritance Law.
Benedita McCrorie
PhD in Law by NOVA School of Law. Professor at the Law School of the University of Minho.
Areas of interest: Constitutional Law, Human Rights, Bioethics/Biolaw.
Fernando Ferreira Alves
Assistant Professor at the Institute of Arts and Humanities (ILCH) of the University of Minho.
Doutoramento em Ciências da Linguagem (Estudos de Tradução – ramo Sociolinguística). Vogal da Direção do BabeliUM.
Areas of interest: Translation Studies, Sociology of Translation, Translation, Identity and Human Rights, Professionalization and Multilingual Communication.
Flávia Noversa Loureiro
PhD in Law (Public Law).
Assistant Professor at the Law School of the University of Minho.
Areas of interest: Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure Law and Criminology.
Sílvia Gomes
PhD in Sociology.
Sílvia is a postdoctoral scholar at the College of Criminology and Criminal Justice Florida State University, and a researcher at the Interdisciplinary Centre of Social Sciences, University of Minho.
She is co-coordinating the ST Sociology of Law and Justice (APS).
Andreia Castro Rodrigues
Graduation and master in Psychology in the subject of Deviant Behavior by FPCEUP, PhD in Psychology of Justice by UFP, and post-doctorate also in Psychology of Justice by EPsi-UMinho.
Assistant professor at ISPA-Instituto Universitário.
Subjects of interest: deviant behavior, crime, offenders, system of justice.
Teresa Coelho Moreira
Assistant Professor at the Law School of the University of Minho.
PhD in Law (Business and Legal Sciences). Principal Investigator of JusGov’s DH (Human Rights) research group.
Areas of interest: Labour Law and New Technologies; Equality and Non-Discrimination in Labour Law.
Pedro Freitas
Assistant Professor at the Law Faculty of the Universidade Católica Portuguesa (Porto’s branch).
PhD in Public Law (Criminal Law) and researcher in the areas of Criminology and Criminal Law, and of Law and new technologies.
Maria José Casa Nova
Assistant Professor at the Institute of Education, University of Minho. PhD in Social Anthropology, University of Granada. Member of the Research Centre of Education. Coordinator of the Observatory of Roma Communities and member of the Commission for Equality and Against Racial Discrimination.
Areas of interest: Sociology of inequalities; Sociology of Education; Human Rights, Social and Educational Public Policies, Citizenship; Ethnicity, Gender relations; Ethnography; Qualitative methodologies.
Jean-Yves Durand
PhD in Anthropology (Université de Provence), teaches at the University of Minho.
Researcher at the Centre for Research in Anthropology (CRIA-UMinho) and editorial coordinator of Etnográfica Books series.
Areas of interest: knowledges, power, cultural ownership and appropriation
A. Sofia Pinto Oliveira
PhD in Law by NOVA School of Law. Professor at the Law School of the University of Minho. Areas of interest: Constitutional Law, Human Rights, International Migration Law, Refugee Law. |
Ximene Rego
Researcher of JusGov and collaborator of CRIA.
Has a degree in Psychology (FPCEUP) and a PhD in Anthropology (ISCTE-IUL).
Main interests: Human Rights, Multicultural Jurisprudence, Crime and Insecurity, Drug Phenomenon, Ethnography.
Miriam Rocha
PhD candidate at the Law School of the University of Minho.
Junior researcher at JusGov.
Areas of interest: Human Rights (in particular, equality rights and right to health).
Her current focus is on gender equality.
Inês Granja
Researcher of JusGov. PhD candidate in Law at Catholic University of Portugal (Porto branch).
Master in Public, European and International Law.
Areas of interest: Human Rights, Multicultural Jurisprudence, freedom of religion, ECtHR.
Mariana Monteiro de Matos
PhD in Law (Georg August University of Göttingen).
Postdoc fellow at the Department Law & Anthropology of the Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology. Lecturer at the Faculty of Law of the Martin Luther University of Halle-Wittenberg. Case Law Reporter at Oxford Reports on International Law.
Areas of interest: International law, human rights, comparative law, legal anthropology
Guest researcher in the framework of the collaboration between InclusiveCourts and CUREDI.